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Overcoming Introversion

in Psychologist

Dr. Brett offers advice for overcoming introversion, for becoming more comfortable in your own skin, more easy-going. In achieving this, it is important to get out of your comfort zone and improve a little bit every day. You need to gradually become more extroverted by doing things you are not comfortable with, and by overcoming your fear of rejection.

Hi, Dr. Brett here. If you're an introvert and you want to become a little bit more outgoing, or a little bit more successful in your career because your career requires you to be more outgoing, or more extroverted, how can you shift that? How can you integrate aspects of yourself that you're not fully comfortable with? Well, part of getting comfortable in your own skin is pushing yourself just a little bit -- getting a little bit out of your comfort zone (what I call getting little bit better each and every day.) How do we get a little bit better? We do things that we're uncomfortable with. Now I'm not saying for you to take massive action immediately. Maybe you're not ready for that, but maybe there's a way for you to get a little bit more outgoing, to get a little bit friendlier, to reach out a little bit more. A little bit matters. Think about it. If you do one new person a week, just a new person, someone that you've never met before, and you arrange to have a coffee or lunch or something wit that person, that's fifty people in a year. At the end of the year that's going to make a huge difference in you life. So it doesn't have to be massive at first, and the other cool thing is the more you do it, the better you get, and the more reinforcing it becomes. So if you gradually get a little bit more extroverted, and you get some nice, positive feedback along the way, that's going to be reinforcing. Now what happens if you feel a little bit rejected when you get a little bit more out there? My answer for rejection is this: So what? All of us face rejection. Those of us that are most successful in life don't worry about it so much. In other words, we overcome it. Dr. Brett, psychologist, consultant, and coach.

Dr. Brett, Westport Psychologist, has over 30,000 hours experience in working with clients.

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